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Feng Qiu Huang

Other name: 凤囚凰,Phoenix Imprisoning Phoenix

Authors: Xiao Zhou Mao Jun ,

Genres: Adventure Manga, Drama Manga, Historical Manga, Mystery Manga, Romance Manga, Shoujo Manga, Webtoons Manga,

Status: Ongoing

Views: 806.7K

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Chu Yu woke up to find herself in the body of a murdered princess almost half a millennium ago. She soon finds out that whoever wanted her dead was in her mansion. Knowing the history, she also realizes that the owner of her body will soon perish in a historical rebellion.<br><br>Now she must defend herself in the depth of a forbidden city while preventing what is to come in her historical timeline.<br><br>A palace epic filled with tactical battles and a hint of affection.

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Feng Qiu Huang